The goal of Oysters V.S. Seatures is to filter water and improve the environmental well-being of NYC's surrounding waterbodies. When you click the oyster (Reggie), it filters 5 liters of water. This represents the same amount of water an oyster filters every hour in real life.  As you continue filtering water, sea creatures such as crabs and starfish try to attack Reggie. Crabs and starfish, as well as humans, are predators of oysters in real life. If you are able to filter 600 liters of water, aka survive 6 days, you win! If you are unable to handle the excruciating pressure of being an oyster, you lose! Because one of our main goals was to educate kids about the Billion Oyster Project, we wanted to include facts which pop up every day. Thanks! (p.s., they forced us to include a limited donation amount. Our game is worth way over $1,000, so feel free to donate)

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